Recipe Planning with Evernote.

I recently went a little over the top in terms of my recipe planning… but I am hoping that it will save me time and a few extra minutes down the road.

I love trying new recipes. As I mentioned in a previous post (September) I love using Pinterest for inspiration. There have been a number of times that I have random ingredients in the fridge, and no recipes come to mind. I will search all of those ingredients together on Pinterest and 9/10 times come back with something that I am ready to make for dinner.

The only problem is, that I need to have a steady signal to pull the recipes off my phone while I am in the grocery store. In Oxford, this is a really big challenge. Wi-fi and cell service are spotty at best. I have only ever seen my phone hit 3G, making me actually miss Rogers back home – never thought I would say that. So frequently, I have found myself going back to “old faithful” recipes because I really can’t come up with anything else.

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For those of you who don’t use Evernote, I would highly recommend it – if only to monitor your to-do lists, and make amazingly easy grocery lists like this!

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For most of these recipes you can find them on my Foodie Pinterest board here.

10 Grocery lists with the recipes attached. 3 of them are my go-to’s so far this fall – the other 7 are recipes that I have pulled from Pinterest today to try them.

To do this yourself, follow these quick steps:

  1. Download Evernote if you don’t already have it
  2. Create a notebook called “Grocery Lists” or whatever makes sense for you
  3. Create each new recipe as it’s own note within this notebook
  4. Add tags for easy searching
  5. Share through Evernote with family members who also do the shopping

Yes, I know the level of organization this took was a little over the top for some people, but I now have the recipe, all of the ingredients I need and a handy checklist for every time I need a little inspiration in the grocery store. And all-in-all it took about an hour to search for the recipes I wanted for this week within my board and copy them over into notes.

Taking it a step further, you can add tags to your lists for things like key ingredients (chickpeas, shrimp, kale) types of recipes (Vegan, Vegetarian, side dish) or meal occasions (breakfast, lunch, dinner) – and then search by tag when you need to find something specific.

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This is an adapt of a recipe I found. I don’t like cucumber (or olives), but love the flavours in a greek salad.

Happy Planning!

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