Cauliflower Crust.

I made pizza! I have been craving pizza – and we live right near a pizza place that smells amazing every time I walk by. Which means that every time I walk out of the house I am slapped with carbo-cravings – so I decided to do something about it.

I have been prowling Pinterest to come up with some new veggie meals to make. One of the most appealing was cauliflower pizza crust.  Most versions included cheese, I decided to cut that out, but the results were still amazing – even Nick loved it!

It is super easy – crumbled up cauliflower, garlic, salt, pepper, oregano 1 full egg + (1 egg white for a full head of cauliflower).

Here are the recipe details:

  • Ingredients:
  • Crust:

    • 1 head cauliflower
    • 1 tsp oregano
    • Salt/Pepper
    • 2 cloves garlic
    • 2 Eggs: 1 egg, 1 egg white
  • Toppings:
    • Red pepper
    • Red onion
    • Basil
    • Spinach
    • Tomatoes
    • Jamie Oliver Spicy Pesto


  • Place the cauliflower in a blender or food processor to chop it into a fine rice like consistency. Add the spices & egg into the bowl and mix. I used parchment paper, but I don’t think that I will next time – so, grease the pan, and press the cauliflower into the pan to create the crust. Bake at 200(°C) for about 15 minutes, or until it starts to become golden brown on the outside.

I topped our pizza with some spicy pesto, red onion, red pepper, tomatoes, basil and spinach, but really, you could add anything you want here. Once topped, pop it back in the oven for 5-10 minutes.



The crust, once baked, is really light and fluffy. You don’t get a distinct cauliflower taste, which I think is why it is so easy and delicious – it is pretty flimsy though, so be sure to use a spatula to serve – and maybe a fork to eat, unless you want it on your lap.



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