2018 Reading List.

If you read my post January Blues//Resolutions. you know that I give myself a reading goal almost every year, it is now September and while I am not quite pacing appropriately to have 20 books read by the end of the year, I am up to 13!

I have 7 books to go, I’ve just started 2 new ones today after finishing 2 this weekend… so this post is about keeping me accountable – I really want to hit that 20!

2018 – So far.

  1. The Designer – Marius Gabriel
  2. The Alice Network – Kate Quinn
  3. Do Not Say We Have Nothing – Madeline Thien
  4. You are a Badass – Jen Sincero
  5. Homegoing – Yaa Gyasi
  6. A Man Called Ove – Fredrik Backman
  7. No-Drama Discipline
  8. From Sand and Ash – Amy Harmon
  9. An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth (Audiobook) – Col. Chris Hadfield
  10. The Lioness of Morocco – Julia Drosten
  11. Born a Crime – Trevor Norah
  12. Thank You for Being Late (Audiobook) – Thomas L. Friedman

In Process:

  1. Faithful – Alice Hoffman
  2. The Devil in the White City (Audiobook) – Erik Larson
  3. Last Train to Istanbul – Ayse Kulin

I’m open to any suggestions too! What are you reading?! What have you loved?!Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at 1.54.12 PM

Happy Reading!


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