Post-Turkey Workout.

I over-ate this holiday. Seems pretty standard, but the bugger of it is – I was in a really great workout routine before leaving Oxford for home this holiday. So, in honour of getting back into the swing of things, here is a quick (but powerful) at home workout that I pulled together.

50 jumping jacks
10 squats
10 squat jumps
:20 seconds high knees

Circuit 1: Time to get your heart rate up!
(repeat 3x)
10 burpees
:30 second wall sit

Depending on how ambitious you are feeling, you can do each of these circuits 2 and 3 two times through.  Starting with Circuit 2, focus of moving quickly and keeping your form – move onto Circuit 3 after a quick breather (:30-:60 seconds).

Click the links below for some videos to get your best form.

Circuit 2: (legs)
15 squats
20 reverse lunges
20 squat jumps
20 curtsey lunge

Circuit 3: (arms/core)
15 tricep dips (find a table or chair near by)
20 pushups
:30 plank
40 bicycles (for added challenge, do 10 slow then 10 fast and repeat)

time to get moving!